
1 on 1 coaching

We are dedicated to providing an experience with our coaches that meets all your health and wellness needs. Our 1 on 1 coaching is specific to each client because every person needs a different kind of care. When you choose this coaching program you get a health and wellness liaison to walk you through your workouts in person or virtually while making sure your form is correct for every rep. Your coach will also be available for support, encouragement, and to answer any health and wellness questions you have. They walk you through what foods to buy, how to shop, recipes, stretches to do, when to rest, how to workout on the road/during vacation, how to navigate injury, and so much more.

Program design

At Motivated Mind & Body we understand you aren’t like anyone else which means you need a customized program for your goals and lifestyle. A program that meets your needs physically, mentally, and nutritionally. Our Program design option is good for folks who may have a history of exercise or sports training but just don’t know what to do with the time, energy, and life they currently have. Maybe you already have the dedication to exercising and eating healthily but what you’re currently doing isn’t getting you to the goals you are chasing. Maybe what you used to do when you were younger isn‘t creating the results you want today or that old program doesn’t fit your lifestyle now. Let us design a new program for you with all of this in mind. Your coach will also keep you accountable with regular check-ins and be available for texting and calling when you have questions.

Stress management and Flexibility coaching

Let’s face it, the majority of us are living our lives with far too much stress and too little rest and sleep. This is one of the biggest culprits stopping us from reaching our health and wellness goals. All that stress coupled with too much caffeine because of poor sleep keeps our bodies extremely inflamed and stops any chance of progress we could be making with better nutrition and exercise programs. This is why regular stretching is a part of all of our programs. If necessary, your coach will also recommend addition flexibility coaching and/or stress relieving tools like meditation to help your body learn to release that inflammation so you can be successful. We also attempt to address sleep issues and managing stress with a holistic approach.

nutrition coaching

How many diets do you think you’ve tried over the years? At MMB we don’t do diets. This is much more personal. The truth is a lot of diets would work great if you could stick to them long term. Unfortunately, most diets are not realistic for long term use and success. Your coach will customize your nutrition program for you using your own unique BMR(basal metabolic rate) and factoring in your lifestyle. They with work with you on how to properly read food labels and what you are looking for. They’ll share customized recipes with you for your macro-nutrient needs and activity levels. They can even go grocery shopping with you if you want. Our nutrition plans aren’t based on trying to fit you into a food prison. We teach balanced nutrition you can enjoy; not that certain foods are “bad” or “good”. Our goal is for you to have a healthier relationship with food and learn to adapt to any situation and get the best nutrition possible.

Corrective exercise program

When we have untreated injuries, do repetitive movements over long periods of time, or are sedentary for too long, we develop muscle imbalances. These imbalances are a combination of some muscles overworking because other muscles have stopped working, either from injury, overuse, or lack of use. They can often cause quite a bit of pain and discomfort. Our corrective exercise specialist pinpoints the muscular imbalances and designs a program to correct these issues to relieve your pain. Sometimes this service is used exclusively and sometimes it is possible to work this program into your current workouts depending on the severity of the imbalance. Let us help you get rid of pain that’s been plaguing your lower back, shoulders, hips, neck, etc. for far too long!